Myenergi Libbi: The Smart Home Battery That Learns Your Habits & Saves You Money

What is Myenergi Libbi?

Myenergi Libbi goes beyond just storing excess solar energy. It's a smart home battery system that acts like your personal energy assistant, learning your habits and optimising power use to save you money. Libbi can be used as a stand alone system or seamlessly integrate with your existing Myenergi devices. Here's a breakdown of its intelligent features:

1. Intelligent Energy Storage:

  • Solar Charging: Libbi isn't just a passive storage unit. It actively captures excess solar electricity generated during the day. This ensures you maximise the use of your self-generated clean energy, reducing reliance on the grid.
  • Grid Interactivity: Libbi goes beyond simply storing solar power, it can also be charged via the grid on a cheaper overnight energy tariff and use the stored energy during peak periods. Libbi also analyses your energy usage patterns and intelligently decides if and when to charge from the grid or discharge stored energy to meet your needs. This saves you money by taking advantage of fluctuating electricity costs.
  • Advanced Control: Through the Myenergi app, you can set priorities for charging and discharging Libbi's battery. This allows you to tailor its operation to your specific needs. For example, you might prioritise powering appliances during peak hours and focus on using stored solar energy in the evening.
  • Reserve Space for Solar: Is the weather forecast predicting a sunny day with ample opportunity for solar generation? If you typically allow Libbi to charge from the grid, the app lets you reserve specific battery capacity. This ensures there's enough space to store the solar energy you'll generate tomorrow, maximising use of your clean, self-produced power and potentially reducing reliance on the grid.
  • Blackout Backup: Power outages can be disruptive. Libbi acts as your emergency backup system. In case of a power cut, Libbi seamlessly takes over, providing power to essential appliances in your home. 
  • Anti-Draining: Deep discharges can shorten the lifespan of any battery. Libbi incorporates smart algorithms to prevent this from happening. It automatically reserves a minimum charge level, ensuring the battery's health and longevity.

2. Modular and Scalable:

Libbi batteries are available in 5kWh modules, allowing you to grow and tailor your energy storage needs. Whether you’re a solar enthusiast or just starting your green energy journey, Libbi grows with you. You can scale up to a total of 20kWh of storage.

3. Installation Flexibility:

Choose your setup:

  • New Install: Pair Libbi with a fresh solar PV system.
  • Retrofit: Add Libbi to your existing solar array.
  • AC or DC Coupled: Libbi works seamlessly with both.

Lifespan of a Libbi Battery:

The Myenergi Libbi is built to last. With proper care, you can expect a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Regular maintenance and avoiding extreme temperature fluctuations contribute to its longevity.

Charging Time: How Long Does It Take?

The charging time for your Myenergi Libbi depends on several factors:

  • Solar Output: Faster charging on sunny days.
  • Battery Capacity: A 5kWh Libbi will charge quicker than a larger 20kWh unit.
  • Charging Rate: Standard charging or rapid charging options.

As a general guideline, a 5kWh Libbi takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to charge fully from solar power. Keep in mind that grid charging times may vary based on your energy provider and tariff.

Why Choose myenergi Libbi?

  1. Energy Independence: Libbi empowers you to harness your own energy, reducing reliance on the grid.
  2. Environmentally Friendly: reduce your reliance on teh grid and switch to clean, renewable energy whenever possible.
  3. Peace of Mind: With blackout backup and anti-draining features, Libbi ensures uninterrupted power.

Ready to embrace the future of energy storage? Explore the Myenergi Libbi range today!