The Solar iBoost+ uses innovative technology to make the most of your solar power installation. It overrides your water heater operation and maximizes its use of surplus solar energy that would otherwise be exported to the grid. The tap-and-forget convenience of Solar iBoost+ means you don't have to take any action when it is installed - the product works for you with minimal effort required.

In this article, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions about the Solar iBoost+.


How Does Solar iBoost Work?

How to Install Solar iBoost

Does the Solar iBoost Need a Dedicated Circuit?

Does it Matter What Type of Inverter I Have Installed?

Can I Use Solar iBoost with a Three Phase System?

Can I Use More Than One Solar iBoost at my Property?

Can the Solar iBoost be Installed Further Away from an Immersion Heater?

Where Should the Solar iBoost Sender be Fitted?

What's the Maximum Power Rating of an Immersion Heater Suitable for use with Solar iBoost?

Can I Set Up Timer Settings Other Than 5/2?

How Do I Integrate the Solar iBoost with an Economy 7 timer?

Is a Solar iBoost Worth It?

How Do I Know if my Solar iBoost is Working?

How Does the Dual Immersion Feature Work?

What is the Range Between the Solar iBoost and the Wireless Sender?

Can I View the Solar iBoost Display Remotely?

Can I Still Switch on my Immersion If I Need More Hot Water?

Can I Install a Solar iBoost Alongside Battery Storage to Maximise Self Consumption?

What Devices Can I Run from my Solar iBoost?

When Does my Solar iBoost Start Diverting Energy to My Hot Water Tank?

How Will I Know How Much Energy Solar iBoost Has Saved Me?

Does the Solar iBoost Affect My Feed in tariff Payments?

Is the Solar iBoost a Proportional Controller or a Switch?

How Does Solar iBoost Work?

Solar iBoost is a device that maximizes the use of surplus solar energy generated by solar panels installed in your home. When your PV solar array generates more electricity than you are currently using, the excess energy is normally exported to the grid. However, with Solar iBoost, a special clamp is installed near your household electricity meter, which detects any unused energy available. The Solar iBoost Sender wirelessly sends a signal to the Solar iBoost+ to activate water heating when excess energy is detected.

The Solar iBoost+ is installed next to your hot water tank and receives signals from the Sender. It controls the level of energy flowing to your immersion heater based on the increase and decrease of your exported energy levels. The Solar iBoost+ delivers the free excess energy for water heating, ensuring that hot water is heated over the day using just the free solar energy. You can also top up using your usual heating system or use the built-in Boost and Timed functions.

To connect the Solar iBoost+ to your existing hot water immersion heater, the Solar iBoost+ is installed using a fused switch, which is typically the supply to the immersion heater. The Solar iBoost+ controls the immersion both automatically and manually when additional hot water is needed.

The Solar iBoost+ operates by responding rapidly to the levels of import and export at the property, according to the variable parameters of changing weather, energy consumption, and generation. The electronic controller processes the information to ensure that only excess power is delivered for water heating during standard automatic operation. You can check your savings using the Solar iBoost+ or get the optional iBoost+ Buddy.

How to Install Solar iBoost

To connect the Solar iBoost+ to your existing hot water immersion heater, the Solar iBoost+ is installed using a fused switch, which is typically the supply to the immersion heater.

For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Solar iBoost+ Installation Manual

Does the Solar iBoost Need a Dedicated Circuit?

The cables that run from the consumer unit to the switched fuse spur feeding into the input of the Solar iBoost+ do not have to be solely dedicated.

However, the cable from the Solar iBoost+ to the immersion heaters must not be obstructed by switches or timers, and the output should not be combined with any other grid supply. The Solar iBoost+ should only be connected to the specific immersion heater it is intended for, or else it may cause damage.

It is crucial to have a qualified electrician install the Solar iBoost+ and read the manual thoroughly beforehand to prevent any potential harm during installation.

Does it Matter What Type of Inverter I Have Installed?

The Solar iBoost can work with transformer-based, transformer-less, and micro inverters without any interference between the Solar iBoost and the inverters.

Can I Use Solar iBoost with a Three Phase System?

There are two ways to install the iBoost on a three phase system:

1. Use a single Solar iBoost+ on one phase with its own 3kW immersion. It is important to note that the Sender, Clamp, and Solar iBoost+ must operate on the same phase. However, it is necessary to understand that excess energy measurement is only taking place on that specific phase, and other phases may be importing energy while the selected phase is exporting energy.

2. Install one Solar iBoost+ on each phase, each with its own 3kW immersion on that phase. The excess energy on each phase is diverted individually.

Can I Use More Than One Solar iBoost at my Property?

If there is a single-phase power supply in your property and you want to heat two separate hot water cylinders, you can use more than one Solar iBoost+. To do this, install a Solar iBoost+ unit at each cylinder with the Sender & Clamp at the electricity meter and follow these instructions:

Make sure the clamps are at least 10cm (3") apart to avoid any interference.
Adjust the cut-in threshold of one of the Solar iBoost+ units to 50W or more above the other. This unit will operate as the secondary unit. The factory default cut-in threshold is 100W, and you can adjust it in 50W increments up to a maximum of 500W.

Can the Solar iBoost be Installed Further Away from an Immersion Heater?

To ensure safety and optimal performance, it is recommended that the cable connecting the Solar iBoost+ output to the immersions should not exceed 3 meters in length. Therefore, it is advisable to install the Solar iBoost+ near the hot water cylinder, airing cupboard, or hot press.

A qualified electrician should oversee the installation to prevent any other loads from being connected between the Solar iBoost+ and the immersion.

Where Should the Solar iBoost Sender be Fitted?

To install the Sender and Clamp, place them at the household utility meter cabinet. Make sure that the clamp's latch is securely closed around the live feed from the utility meter to the consumer unit. There is a label on the clamp indicating how to install it correctly.

If there is a Henley block, the clamp should be installed on the utility meter side. If not, the transmitted readings may not accurately represent exports.

What's the Maximum Power Rating of an Immersion Heater Suitable for use with Solar iBoost?

The Solar iBoost+ has two connections for separate immersion heaters, each with a maximum rating of 3kW, therefore standard immersion elements with a maximum rating of 3kW are safe for use with an iBoost.

Since the immersion element is a resistive load, it can accept varying amounts of power up to its maximum rating. This means that even the smallest amount of power from the Solar iBoost+ can be used to start heating water.

Can I Set Up Timer Settings Other Than 5/2?

Solar iBoost+ has a convenient feature that allows you to quickly switch between Winter, Summer, and OFF Timed settings. This can be useful if you want to use grid power to supplement your free hot water, but the duration and start time may vary depending on the season or other heating systems you are using. With the Winter/Summer settings, you only need to program the times for each season once.

To switch between the different settings, simply scroll to the end of the Display button until "In Winter (or Summer) Boost" appears and press the A button to change the setting. This feature can also be selected using the remote iBoost Buddy, if available.

For instance, during the summer when you're not using your space heating, you may want to turn off your gas or oil water heating as well if the Solar iBoost is providing most of the hot water you need. However, keep in mind that grid power is used during the timed operations. During the winter, if your gas/oil heating is already operating, you may not need the timed top-up, so your winter settings will be set to zero.

How Do I Integrate the Solar iBoost with an Economy 7 timer?

The Solar iBoost+ has a programmable timer that can be set for two times each day on a 5/2 day basis, which can replace existing timers. At the preset times, the first and second immersion will receive full grid power independent of the PV generation.

It is possible that the water is already partially or fully heated from the day's excess PV power, which means the grid operation may only need to "top up" the pre-heated water.

Is a Solar iBoost Worth It?

If you want to take advantage of your solar energy and reduce your water heating bills without the added expense of a solar storage battery, the Solar iBoost+ is an excellent option.

This is especially true if you are often away during the day and your solar panels generate at least 100W more energy than your household uses. As long as your hot water tank is located within 30m of your electricity meter and your immersion heater has a maximum rating of 3kW, the Solar iBoost+ can help you save money.

How Do I Know if my Solar iBoost is Working?

The message "Heating by Slar" will appear on the device display along with the value in kW. A blue lightning shaped LED light will also appear on the front of the unit.

How Does the Dual Immersion Feature Work?

The Solar iBoost+ version features a cascading load system, which allows for two immersions to be connected. The first immersion has priority, and once it is heated, any excess solar energy is transferred to the second immersion.

The system also checks the temperature of the first immersion every 15 minutes. If the temperature has fallen, the excess solar energy goes back to the first immersion until it is heated again, before diverting back to the second immersion. This cycle continues until both immersions are heated, and "Water Tank Hot" is displayed.

After both immersions are heated, the Solar iBoost+ goes into a standstill period of 15 minutes before resuming water heating if there is still excess solar energy available.

What is the Range Between the Solar iBoost and the Wireless Sender?

The signal can travel up to 50 meters in an unobstructed line of sight, or up to 30 meters within a building. The system uses the radio frequency 868mHz.

Thick walls can weaken the signal, similar to the effect on wireless routers or cordless phones. If the signal is weakened, a Clamp Cable Extension can be purchased. This 5-meter cable can be used to run through walls and bring the Sender closer to the Solar iBoost+. The extension can be easily plugged between the Clamp and Sender.

Can I View the Solar iBoost Display Remotely?

The Solar iBoost+ has the capability to connect wirelessly to the iBoost+ Buddy, an optional device that functions as both a home energy monitor and remote display and control for the Solar iBoost+. This allows for easy and fast access to information on energy usage within your home.

The "eco-gauge" displays swings to show energy consumption or excess, while a "traffic light" changes color to indicate whether the home is importing or exporting energy, with red, amber, and green lights.

Can I Still Switch on my Immersion If I Need More Hot Water?

Certainly! The main unit of the Solar iBoost+ includes a button labeled "Boost." Each time this button is pressed, the immersion is heated by grid power for an additional 15 minutes, and this can continue for up to 2 hours.

The remaining time is displayed on the unit, but if the thermostat temperature is reached before the set time, it will automatically turn off. If an iBoost Buddy is connected, the Boost button can also be pressed remotely from within the home.

Can I Install a Solar iBoost Alongside Battery Storage to Maximise Self Consumption?

Yes, the Solar iBoost+ requires a minimum export threshold of 100W before it begins diverting energy to the immersion. This ensures that only on-site generation is utilized, smoothing out any rapid changes in energy consumption and generation.

THe iBoost features a programmable function which accommodates battery charging systems with thresholds around or above 100W. Homeowners can prioritize self-consumption by adjusting the cut-in threshold of the Solar iBoost+ to match the battery system installed.

For battery charging prioritization, if the battery cut-in is less than 50W, no adjustment is necessary. However, if it's close to or above 100W, it is recommended to increase the Solar iBoost+ cut-in level by 50W to avoid any conflict in operation. Some battery systems send low levels of power to the grid when in operation, which the Solar iBoost+ might interpret as export. Simply adjust the Solar iBoost+ level in 50W increments until any conflict is resolved. We suggest that battery systems be set with the lowest possible cut-in levels to maximize self-consumption.

For hot water prioritization, set the battery charging cut-in level to over 100W and maintain a 50W gap between the battery cut-in and Solar iBoost+ settings, if possible.

Note: The Solar iBoost+ is also compatible with battery systems with thresholds under 100W without any changes. However, for battery systems with a higher cut-in, the Sender 250 can be retrofitted in place of the existing Sender, which will cut in the Solar iBoost+ at 250W.

What Devices Can I Run from my Solar iBoost?

The Solar iBoost+ is suitable for operating with a maximum of two immersion heaters, each with a capacity of up to 3kW, for the purpose of heating water in the house. The Solar iBoost+ operates the immersions in sequence.

The immersions must have thermostat controls but no electronic controls should be placed between the Solar iBoost+ and the immersion. It is essential to avoid connecting any electronic devices to the Solar iBoost+ as it can result in damage to both the devices. A certified electrician must install the Solar iBoost+.

When Does my Solar iBoost Start Diverting Energy to My Hot Water Tank?

When your PV array generates more power than your household needs, the Solar iBoost+ will start to transfer the excess energy to your hot water tank.

For instance, if you have an export energy of 2.2kW, the Solar iBoost+ will redirect this amount, minus a small buffer of up to 100W, to ensure a smooth transition in the usage of household energy and the generation of the PV array.

How Will I Know How Much Energy Solar iBoost Has Saved Me?

The Solar iBoost+ main unit comes with a built-in display that lights up when any button is pressed. When energy is flowing, it will show "Heating by Solar xx.xxkW". Pressing the Display button reveals your savings from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 28 Days, and Total Savings.

You can also view this information remotely within your home by adding an iBoost Buddy to the system. The iBoost Buddy connects wirelessly and is also a home energy monitor that displays import and export levels.

Does the Solar iBoost Affect My Feed in tariff Payments?

In the UK, using the Solar iBoost+ does not impact your FiT Generation payments. If you also have a "deemed usage" Export contract, it will not be affected either, and it is more advantageous to use all on-site generated electricity. Even if you have an export meter, the benefits of using the Solar iBoost+ can still outweigh the increasing energy costs of water heating.

Is the Solar iBoost a Proportional Controller or a Switch?

Solar iBoost+ employs pulse width modulation electronic control technology to regulate the amount of energy diverted to the immersion heater. It ensures that only the amount of excess power generated is diverted, up to a maximum of 3kW. This technology allows for precise management of power levels, rather than simply turning the immersion heater on or off.

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