Lo-Watt PIV Units

Manrose Lo-Watt PIV Units offer a simple and effective solution for creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

Fresh, Filtered Air: The PIV system gently draws in fresh air from outside, filters it to remove dust, pollen, and other pollutants and distributes it throughout your home, displacing stale and moisture-laden air. This helps prevent condensation and mold growth, keeping your home fresh and healthy.

Radon Mitigation: The unique Radon Mode provides additional ventilation for properties with high levels of radon gas, a potential health hazard.

Easy and Flexible Installation: The low-profile design fits comfortably in lofts of any size. A discreet ceiling diffuser blends seamlessly into your space, typically installed over stairwells, hallways or landings.

Quiet Operation and Low Energy Consumption: The Lo-Watt DC motor ensures whisper-quiet operation while keeping running costs minimal.

User-Friendly Controls: A simple and lockable control panel allows you to adjust the fan speed and mode to suit your needs.

Automatic Temperature Adjustment: The built-in temperature sensor automatically adjusts airflow based on your preferences, ensuring optimal comfort and efficiency.

Peace of Mind: Manrose PIV Units come with a 5-year warranty for added confidence.

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